Our staff has a strong commitment to serving the youth and families in our ministry.
This list is not a complete list of our staff. Instead, it is a list of all of the people that work in our headquarters, as well as the site director for each ministry location. In addition, we have hundreds of volunteers throughout our communities, without whom our ministry would not be possible.
Deb Factor: CEO & Executive Director
Deborah was born and raised in rural western Kansas. With a desire to do orphanage work in Russia, she attended Barclay College and graduated with a Missions and Bible degree in 1996. She began doing youth and children's ministry as a college student and directed a program in Bucklin. Feeling called by God to stay in rural Kansas in 1998, she became Executive Director of YFC (now Youth Core Ministries), and in 2010 became Development Director. In 2018 she resumed the role of CEO. She lives in Greensburg with her husband, Tony, and son, Caleb. -
Joel Williamson: CFO & Chief Strategist
Joel became a Christian through his local Youth for Christ in 8th Grade. His passion has always been to reach unreached teens. He went to Barclay College and graduated in 2007 with a Bible/Theology and Youth Ministries Degree. He became Executive Director for YFC in 2010, and in 2017 helped transition YFC into Youth Core Ministries. In 2018, he moved to Indiana to be closer to his wife's family, stepping down from the CEO/Executive Director role. He now works remotely with YCM's finances, strategy, ministry staff, and more. He lives in Noblesville, Indiana, with his wife, Jewell, and kids, Lilliana and Matthew. -
Tony Factor: YCM Specialist
Tony was born in Oklahoma and grew up in Mulvane, KS. Tony was a Royal Ranger Commander, a youth group leader, a worship team leader, attended and helped ministries locally, and led a Christian heavy metal band. He went to Barclay College in 1996 where he met his wife, Deb. He has been with YFC (now Youth Core Ministries) since its founding. Tony has been on 15 mission trips including Mexico and Haiti. As “The Specialist,” he does Audio/Video projects and leads worship for YCM, among many other things. He currently lives in Greensburg with his wife Deb, son Caleb, dog Allie, and turtles Snickers and Hershey’s. -
Scott Rose: Headquarters Office Administrator
Scott met Jesus in August 1997. Seven years later Scott entered into full time pastoral ministry. He attended Barclay College and earned a BA in Pastoral Ministry and Bible & Theology. Then went on to Friends University where he completed 33 of 36 credits on a MA in Christian Ministry & Spiritual Formation before being called away to serve in a church in a different state. He also served 4 years in the U.S. Navy from 1979 - 2003 and later worked for McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft (later Boeing) for 20 years. He joined Youth Core Ministries July 1, 2021. He currently lives in Haviland, KS with his wife of 35 years, Susan and 2 grown children, Nikkie, and Brian. -
Amanda Naillieux
Core Community Program Director
Kingman County Core Community Coach
amanda.kccc@gmail.com -
Ann Classen
Meade County Core Community Director/Liaison
alcrcp@att.net -
Bill Michaud
Bourbon County Core Community Director
billmichaud1@gmail.com -
Chardy Magnett
Community Liaison Director
Herington Core Community Liaison/Coach
cmagnetthhcc@gmail.com -
Cindy Whittington
Abilene Core Community Director/Coach
cindyw.abilenecoach@gmail.com -
Debra Pochop
Rawlins County Core Community Director/Coach
pochop67@gmail.com -
Devan Ball
Harper Co Core Community Director/Liaison
devanball.hpcore@gmail.com -
Jeanette Hildebrand
Stafford Core Community Director/Liaison
jkayhildebrand@gmail.com -
Kevin Bayes
Herington Core Community Director
kevin.corecommunity@gmail.com -
Linda Durham
Kiowa County Core Community Director
ljdurham116@gmail.com -
Lisa Barber
Bond County Director & Resource Coordinator
lisa.barber@greenvillefmc.org -
Mark Kenyon
Augusta Core Community Director/Liaison
markkenyon@essdack.org -
Rachel Ellson
Great Bend Core Community Director/Resource Coordinator
rachelellson@essdack.org -
Sharon James
Kingman County Core Community Director/Liaison
sjames67068@gmail.com -
Sheila Koop
Ulysses Core Community Director/Co-Facilitator
sheilakoop@gmail.com -
Susan Rose
Kiowa County Community Assistant/Accounting Asst.
ycmsusan@gmail.com -
Teresa Miller
St. John Core Community Director/Coach
tlgmiller461@gmail.com -
Tracy Lowe
Marion County Core Community Director/Coach
tracyk.marioncore@gmail.com -
Tyler Anderson
Alta Vista Core Community Director
Our board represents a cross-section of our communities and has a passion for our organization and those we serve. The members work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the ministry and oversee that the funds raised directly affect our local communities.
Neil Thompson: Board Chair
Neil was born in Tuscaloosa, AL. He holds a B.A. in Sociology from Rutgers University and an M.S. in Mass Communications from San Diego State University. His career includes serving as a U.S. Navy public affairs officer for 21 years, then as executive director of two nonprofit organizations in California and vice president of institutional advancement at Barclay College in Kansas, finally as owner of a small financial services business before retiring.
Steve Voran: Board Vice-Chair
Steve was born in Kingman, KS in 1949 and grew up in that community. He received Christ as his Savior in the fall of 1958. He is a lifelong member of the Kingman Mennonite Church and has served as a Sunday School superintendent & teacher, a trustee, a deacon and 3 pastoral search committees. He also enjoys playing bass for the Praise Team. Steve is a graduate of Wichita Tech and retired from AT&T with nearly 42 years of service.
Michelle Murray: Board Treasurer
Michelle has been in active ministry since 2000. After serving 13 years as a missionary in Cambodia, she moved to Haviland, KS following God’s leading to open Origins: A Divine Coffeehouse, where she served for four years in partnership with Barclay College. She is currently volunteering as the property manager at The Barron and the Store Next Door. Missions through Business is her passion.
Jeff Schaef: Board Secretary
Jeff has worked for DEKALB, a seed company for the past fifteen years, has served on various boards at the United Methodist Church in Greensburg, KS where he is a member, and served on the Extension Board of Kiowa County for 2 years. He was also a part of the mentoring program in Kiowa County. Jeff says, "It has been a fulfilling experience to see God do amazing, life-changing work in young people and families through this organization."
Alberta "Pinkey" Bashford
Alberta “Pinkey” Bashford was born in Cheyenne, WY on April 4, 1946 or as she puts it 4/6/46 (she enjoys the play on numbers). Alberta taught Women’s Physical Education at Wheaton College for 2 years. She also worked with Head Start in Rawlins, WY and as a substitute teacher for 21 years. Alberta loves working with young people and kids and introducing them to Jesus. She is involved with missions, helping to make layettes for Lutheran World Missions.
Connie Dawson
Connie was born in Garden City, KS. she attended Kansas State University where she earned her BS in Human Development Extension (Home Economics). In 1980 she moved to Greensburg, KS. Connie supported the ministry of Youth for Christ for many years and has been assisting Youth Core Ministries from its beginning. She is also a member of the Greensburg United Methodist Church. Connie is the newest edition to the YCM Board beginning in March 2022.
Eric Clarkson
Eric Clarkson DO, MBA is a Family Physician working in Pratt Kansas. He attended Family Medicine Residency at the University of Kansas School of Medicine and has been an Owner/Partner at Pratt Family Practice since his graduation 12 years ago. Eric wears many hats in his community. He is the volunteer youth director at Abundant Harvest Church of the Nazarene where he also attends and serves on the Board. Also, medical director of the Pratt County EMS, Pratt Regional Medical Center, Emergency Department, Clinic, Hospital, and delivering babies.
Jesse Penna
Jesse was born in Denver, Colorado as a PK – preacher’s kid – as part of the Friends church and has been attending and serving at a Friends Church ever since. Jesse graduated from Friends University in 2006 with a bachelor’s degree in music, in 2010 with a master’s degree in Christian Ministry. Jesse is currently the Director of Student Ministries for EFC-MAYM and Chairs the Youth Ministry Department at Barclay College.
Pete Alexander
In the 1990s Pete became a pioneer in the field of Long Term Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH) serving briefly as Administrator of Vencor Hospital, St. Louis before joining the Daughters of Charity Health System (now Ascension Health). He established new LTACH specialty hospitals In Evansville and Indianapolis, Indiana and served as Administrator/CEO of Seton Specialty Hospital in Indianapolis from 1996 until his retirement in 2016. Alexander and his wife Susie live in Westfield, Indiana.
Advisory Council
David Cesmat
David currently serves in the Kansas Army National Guard flying helicopters and is working towards his fixed-wing license to fly for Commercial Airlines. Married to Heather in 2018, they have two daughters, Irelynn and Finleigh. David has been involved in some way with past Youth for Christ and now present Youth Core Ministries for over 20 years. It’s a privilege to be able to give back to a program that gave so much to him.
David Durham
David currently serves in the Kansas Army National Guard flying helicopters and is working towards his fixed-wing license to fly for Commercial Airlines. Married to Heather in 2018, they have two daughters, Irelynn and Finleigh. David has been involved in some way with past Youth for Christ and now present Youth Core Ministries for over 20 years. It’s a privilege to be able to give back to a program that gave so much to him.
Donnovan Karber
Donnovan is the National Field Director with the Christian Association of Youth Mentoring (CAYM) and lives in Wichita, Kansas. He works with mentoring programs throughout the country and oversees many of CAYM’s Core trainings. Donnovan has served on the Kansas Mentors Advisory Board since 2013. He has a passion for helping new mentoring programs get up and running.
Jim Sporleder
Jim is currently working as a trauma-informed coach/consultant as well as a trainer with the Children's Resilience Initiative based in Walla Walla. His travels as a consultant, keynote speaker, presenter, and trainer have taken him all over the United States.
Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz
Rebecca walked out of poverty at the age of forty through a poverty project in McPherson. She went on to work for that project and turned it into the most successful site in the nation getting more people completely out of poverty than any other project. Rebecca now serves as a Director with ESSDACK and is over ten high school completion centers in the state of KS.
Sherrie Rickerson
Sherry joined the McPherson poverty project in 2013 as a single mother of two, struggling to figure out life and poverty with a history of trauma. She now serves as the Coach for the same Poverty Project in McPherson, and moved into her own Habitat Home in 2019. Sherrie is an advocate for the poor and making a significant impact.
Whitney Kregar
Whitney is a mother to four, 3 girls and a new little boy. Her and her husband Luke live just outside Greensburg and Luke manages Whitney’s family farm. Most of her time is spent raising their family and caring for their home, but she has also spent 6 years building an online wellness business. Whitney worked for Youth Core for 5 years from 2010-2015 and built the mentoring program. She now serves the ministry on two advisory boards.